Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) joins this week’s episode of Poll Hub.

In this critical midterm election cycle for Democrats Senator Schumer assesses his party’s chances of reclaiming Congress, shares why he thinks the battle for the House and the Senate is close, and discusses what the Democrats are doing to prevent Russian interference in this year’s elections.

And President Donald Trump’s appointment of Brett Kavanugh to the United States Supreme Court… Senator Schumer offers his views on what Democrats need to do to block Kavanugh’s confirmation and why health care is the dominant issue across the country.

Plus many during the early days of President Donald Trump’s administration opined that Senator Schumer and the president could work together. What happened? Senator Schumer weighs in on why two guys from New York just couldn’t make it work in Washington, D.C.

The Poll Hub team also breaks down Tuesday night’s midterm primary elections. Why it was a good night for the polls, the trends behind the numbers, and the role turnout played in Michigan… That’s on tap in this episode of Poll Hub.

About Poll Hub

Poll Hub goes behind the science to explain how polling works, what polls really show, and what the numbers really mean. Poll Hub is produced by The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, home of America’s leading independent college public opinion poll, The Marist Poll. Lee Miringoff (Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion), Barbara Carvalho (Director of The Marist Poll), and Jay DeDapper (Director of Innovation at The Marist Poll) dig deep to give you a look at the inner workings of polls and what they tell us about our world, our country, and ourselves.