Next Episode: Chasing Hillary

With little more than a month until the 116th Congress convenes, a new dynamic has washed across Capitol Hill. What is the atmosphere on the Hill? Will Rep. Nancy Pelosi survive the threat to her leadership? What are the challenges that Republicans and Democrats face? Will the House bring impeachment charges against President Donald Trump?

Poll Hub welcomes McClatchy’s Congressional Editor David Lightman to provide his expert analysis.

And, consensus among polls can be rare, but it occurred on this year’s generic congressional ballot question. What does this agreement tell us about polling? Plus, a look at the 2020 nightmare scenario bandied by political analysts and commentators… on this week’s podcast episode.

About Poll Hub

Poll Hub goes behind the science to explain how polling works, what polls really show, and what the numbers really mean. Poll Hub is produced by The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, home of America’s leading independent college public opinion poll, The Marist Poll. Lee Miringoff (Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion), Barbara Carvalho (Director of The Marist Poll), and Jay DeDapper (Director of Innovation at The Marist Poll) dig deep to give you a look at the inner workings of polls and what they tell us about our world, our country, and ourselves.