In 2016, Donald Trump cracked the so-called blue wall in the industrial Midwest winning Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. This week on Politics with Amy Walter, what will it take for Democrats to win back Wisconsin? Plus a conversation with presidential candidate Julian Castro.

To begin the hour, Craig Gilbert, Washington Bureau Chief at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, explores what tipped the state to President Trump’s favor in 2016 and what it will take for Democrats to win it back in 2020.

Republican Congressman Sean Duffy represents Wisconsin’s 7th district in a rural part of the state. Congressman Duffy talks to Amy Walter about why President Trump performed so well in rural areas in 2016 and weighs in on whether or not Trump’s trade policy and tariffs will hurt him there in 2020. 

Congresswoman Gwen Moore joins Amy Walter to reflect on 2016 and the course correction Democrats have made in the state. And Senator Tammy Baldwin, who won re-election in 2018, has been offering advice to some of the 2020 candidates who have asked her the secret to running as a liberal Democrat in the state. 

To end the hour, we talk to Julian Castro. Castro served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Obama administration. He was also the mayor of San Antonio. He announced he was running for president on January 12, 2019. 

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