(Rockingham County, NC) - Audio of the September 24, 2018 work session of the Rockingham County Board of Education.


1. Call To Order

2. Announcements

2.01 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 8, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Central Administrative Offices at 511 Harrington Highway, Eden, NC.

2.02 There is no Work Session scheduled in October.

3. Reports / Discussion Items

3.01 Rock Shop Update - Ms. Angela Martin

3.02 Instructional Support: An Informative Series Part II - Student and Adult Health Services and Programs - Dr. Cindy Corcoran / Ms. Deirdre Moyer

3.03 2017-2018 Testing Results Review - Dr. Charles Perkins / Mr. Jason Hyler

3.04 Rockingham County Schools - Uganda Partnership - Mr. David Winn

4. Closed Session

5. Open Session

5.01 Personnel Report - Approval needed

6. Adjournment

6.01 Motion to adjourn
