(Wentworth, NC) - Audio of the October 8, 2018 meeting of the Rockingham County Planning Board / Board of Adjustment.


I. Call to Order

II. Invocation

III. Review of Procedures

IV. Public Hearings:

a. Gideon Grove Church Road: Rezoning Case #2018-022, a request for change from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and Residential Agricultural. The property is denoted by Tax PIN 7901-00-94-2175.

b. Ellisboro Rd and Cannonball Ct: Rezoning Case #2018-027, a request for change from Residential Agricultural (RA) and Residential Protected (RP) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and Residential Agricultural. The properly is denoted by Tax PIN 7901-00-77-6626.

c. King Carter Road: Special Use Permit Case #2018-025, a request for a Large Scale Solar Energy Facility. The properties are denoted by Tax PINs 7972-00-59-5783, 7972-00-558503, 7972-00-45-6808, 7972-00-68-4202.

Board of Adjustment

d. 148 Brooks Rd: Variance Case #2018-026, a request relief from required residential property line setbacks for storage structure. The property is denoted by Tax PIN 7912-00-91-9348.

V. Other Business:

a. Old Business:

I. Rezoning Case #2018-023 Teramore LLC has been withdrawn.

b. New Business:

I. Review of changes to Planning Board Membership.

2. Approval of Tentative Calendar Year 2019 Planning Board Meeting Dates.

3. Staff request to update the Planning Board Bylaws

VI. Adjourn
