Trump publicly said he wants to disembowel the USPS to stop mail-in and absentee voting. It’s blowing up in his face, and is now a huge nationwide story. People and Congress are mobilizing. We can turn this around and make it a humiliating defeat for Trump. The following tweets have talking points and ways to take action. Fight back now. Mobilize. Do not waste time bemoaning the situation or anguishing that maybe Trump could somehow do better. He can’t. There is no bottom with him. He must be defeated on November 3. His USPS slowdown is a perfect organizing opportunity…

Trump publicly said he wants to disembowel the USPS to stop mail-in and absentee voting. It’s blowing up in his face, and is now a huge nationwide story. People and Congress are mobilizing. We can turn this around and make it a humiliating defeat for Trump. The following tweets have talking points and ways to take action. Fight back now. Mobilize.

Do not waste time bemoaning the situation or anguishing that maybe Trump could somehow do better. He can’t. There is no bottom with him. He must be defeated on November 3. His USPS slowdown is a perfect organizing opportunity to hurt him prior to the election.

"The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal is trying to blow off the attack on the USPS as no biggie, but despite their heroic effort at turd polishing, it is the dominant political story of the weekend." – @SykesCharlie

— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) August 15, 2020


Retired people and those in rural areas often rely on USPS to get their meds. Trump’s interference is slowing delivery of medications, endangering lives. I live in Nevada. There are tiny towns here in remote rural areas that do not have pharmacies. USPS is the only way they get meds.

1. The following email I received suggests both why the Post Office scandal is real and why it could be so devastating politically.
"I am a retired teacher (62 years old and retired because of the pandemic).

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) August 15, 2020


Congress is fighting back. Both houses. Bipartisan. Support them. Don’t mock them. They are trying hard and some Republicans in Congress are screaming about the USPS slowdown too.

So many of you are writing, calling, and urging us to act to protect the US Postal Service.

We share your anger and frustration about what Trump is doing and your alarm about what it could mean for the election.

And we ARE working to stop him.

Some things worth following: 1/

— Rep. Don Beyer (@RepDonBeyer) August 15, 2020

Concrete steps to take

Call your senators and representative. Tell them you want immediate funding for USPS now. Register to vote if you haven’t already. Vote early in person or by mail. Call country election boards to make sure they have secure drop boxes for votes. Make lots of noise and keep the pressure on.

Outrage about Trump’s attack on the USPS is not enough. Here are concrete steps each of us can take to protect our vote and save our democracy. Thread 1/10

— Vanita Gupta (@vanitaguptaCR) August 15, 2020

Demand DeJoy be fired

Email the USPS Board of Governors and demand DeJoy be replaced. Make their lives miserable until they do.

The Board of Governors of the @USPS has the authority to remove Louis DeJoy. Here are their emails.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]@APWUnational#USPSsabotage

— William Kowalski (@WillKowalski) August 15, 2020

Stop idiotic intramural leftie fights

Stop left-tribalism arguments about things that are completely irrelevant to the fight now! Seriously.

I see left-tribalism Twitter is furiously litigating whether Obama or Bernie really deserves the blame for Trump sabotaging the USPS in an effort to steal the election.

I’ll just point out again that on its face, Trump appears to be committing a crime.

— Joshua Holland ? (@JoshuaHol) August 15, 2020

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