Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security works will discuss Trump's new attack on Social Security. Later, we discuss the exploding cost of private insurance.

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Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security works will discuss Trump’s new attack on Social Security. Later, we discuss the exploding cost of private insurance.

Donald Trump and his cabal can get away with the destruction of Social Security, the rest of the social safety net, and necessary regulations for several reasons.

The first is that Trump is very good at deflecting. He does so many silly things the eyes of too many are kept off the ball. Secondly, we have a corporate media who have little interest in taking on subjects that are otherwise beneficial to their benefactors, their advertisers.

Skyrocketing Private Insurance.

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‘This Is a Big Deal’: Goldman Sachs Rules Out Funding New Coal Projects, Arctic Oil Drilling

“The smart money on Wall Street is drawing red lines on oil and gas, and exiting coal.”

Goldman Sachs earned cautious praise from environmental advocacy groups Sunday after the bank announced it would not finance new Arctic oil drilling or exploration and ruled out funding new thermal coal mines and coal-fired power plant projects worldwide.

“This new policy from Goldman Sachs raises the bar for other U.S. banks if they want to be taken seriously on climate change,” said Jason Opeña Disterhoft, climate and energy senior campaigner at Rainforest Action Network (RAN).

… restrict tar sands oil financing, like these 18 banks: (with #StopLine3 looming), rule out support for fracking and LNG (with the three Rio Grande Valley projects approaching FID,

— Jason Opeña Disterhoft (@jasondisterhoft) December 15, 2019

In its new energy policy Goldman said, in part:

We recognize that we have an impact on the environment through our operations, our investments, and the production and services we finance on behalf of our clients. As an institution that brings providers and users of capital together, we believe that capital markets can and should play an important role in addressing environmental challenges including climate change.

The commitment related to Arctic drilling and exploration, Goldman said, “includes but is not limited to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.” The Trump administration has pushed to open the previously protected area to fossil fuel exploration despite Indigenous opposition and threat of adverse ecological impacts.

“The Trump administration may not care about ignoring the will of the American people or trampling Indigenous rights, but a growing number of major financial institutions are making it clear that they do,” said Sierra Club campaign representative Ben Cushing. “Goldman Sachs is right to recognize that destroying the Arctic Refuge would be bad business.”


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