COVID-19 Emergency Response Group National Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, Rep. Rashid Tlaib, & National Leaders on the COVID-19 Pandemic and the climate emergency, “Protecting The People From Harm”.

COVID-19 Emergency Response Group National Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, & National Leaders covering The COVID-19 Pandemic And The Climate Emergency, “Protecting The People From Harm”

Date: Friday, May 15, 2020.  Time: 1:00pm-2:15pm

Moderator: Mayor Jennifer Roberts, Charlotte, N.C.
U.S. Senator: Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon
N.C. General Assembly House Member: John Autry
LULAC President: Domingo Garcia
Center For Biological Diversity: Jean Su
Food & Water Watch: Mary Grant

*For more information call Joel Segal, National Director, The COVID-19 Emergency Response Group at 571 344-1518, email at Joel.R.Segal[at]

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Group was formed in March 2020 by leading public health experts, faith and business leaders, current & former senior Congressional Hill staffers, current and former local and state elected officials, and leaders of global, national and local NGOs. Our mission is to support others in mobilizing the people’s voices to save as many lives as possible.

COVID-19 Emergency Response Group: Website & Facebook

Dr. Paul Zeitz, Executive Director, Build A Movement 2020 
& Co-Chair COVID-19 Emergency Response Group
mobile: +1-202-365-6786 | email: drpaulzeitz[at]
websites: Dr. Paul Zeitz & Build A Movement 2020   
About Dr. Zeitz: Positive Change