I met Republican Bill Shireman, President & CEO of Future 500 at the Bridge Alliance Conference in Washington DC. The conversation was prescient.

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I met Republican Bill Shireman, President & CEO of Future 500 at the Bridge Alliance Conference in Washington DC. The conversation was prescient.

I was very impressed with this Republican.

It is not that I agreed with Bill Shireman. It was that we could have a conversation that could lead somewhere. He listened. I listened. No one had to deny their values. The deal was how can I integrate values such that there is a workable solution. And it is more than compromise.

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Vast majority of Americans are actually united around key issues Democrats are pushing in 2020

Want some good news? Outside of Donald Trump, American voters actually share a great number of policy goals being pushed by Democratic candidates, according to new polling conducted for the Center for American Progress and Health Care for America Now by the firm GBAO.

“When it comes to basic attitudes about the economy and public policy—disconnected from the president himself—the study finds wider consensus around the need for active governmental policies to reduce poverty and expand economic opportunity, address health care access and costs, improve education and infrastructure, curb corporate power, and tax the super wealthy,” the Center for American Progress writes in a new report on the findings. 

As the Washington Post notes, 70% or more of American voters, including GOP majorities, support the following sentiments:

Getting a college education is too costly and states should work to make college more affordable
Wealthy families and corporations should be paying a lot more in taxes while middle-class families should be paying less
People without employer-based health care should have the option of buying into a public plan
We should spur job creation through a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan that includes investing in traditional construction projects such as roads and bridges and the expansion of green energy production
We should reduce poverty by ensuring that all families have access to basic needs such as health care, food, and housing if their wages are too low or they can’t make ends meet
We should curb income inequality with 2% wealth tax on net worth exceeding $50 million


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