The Right-Wing and their sycophants want you back to work now. It is time to bargain for Medicare for All and a robust safety net.

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The Right-Wing and their sycophants want you back to work now. It is time to bargain for Medicare for All and a robust safety net.

Americans want to go back to work. They must not without guarantees.

The large economic slowdown shows the power of the masses. They have created an oil glut. They have brought corporations to their knees. Unfortunately, as the stimuli show up, those with power are monopolizing on the free cash. It is time for those who do the real work in America to bargain. And we can if we do not allow the indoctrination of the past and the fear of the present to work.


The Congressional Progressive Caucus is calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to meet the coronavirus crisis with the urgency it deserves by advancing another sweeping stimulus.
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Analysis: He Got Tested For Coronavirus. Then Came The Flood Of Medical Bills.
New polling out Wednesday backdropped by the continuing coronavirus outbreak shows that most of the country believes the U.S. political system works only for the wealthy and elite rather than for working people.
Critics Decry ‘Massive Step in Wrong Direction’ as Big Banks Move to Buy Up Fracking Industry Assets With Coronavirus Bailout Funds.

No work without robust social safety net.

We need Medicare for All

I want your stories. Have you had issues with your healthcare coverage? Have you had billing issues? Did you feel like your insurance company was trying to pull one over on you? I am interested in every story you have with regards to healthcare. Drop me a line at info[@] Let’s make Medicare For All a reality.

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Wisconsin sees at least seven cases of COVID-19 as a result of in-person voting amid pandemic

“Voters wait in line at a polling place at Riverside University High School on April 7, 2020, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.”

As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, events nationwide are being canceled, but not without protest. States across the country have postponed elections in efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic. Despite health concerns and an executive order by the governor to postpone elections, Wisconsin Republicans refused to postpone races for state and local office in addition to the presidential primary. Insisting the election go on, Republicans in the state fought the order with the support of the U.S. Supreme Court resulting in a forced election on April 7. Of course, their actions didn’t end without dire consequences; health officials have linked at least seven cases of COVID-19 to state election activities, Milwaukee Health Commissioner Jeanette Kowalik said Monday.

According to Kowalik six of the cases involve Milwaukee voters and one is a Milwaukee poll worker, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Officials are investigating further into the cases to inquire additional information including whether the virus was concentrated in any of the city’s five polling places and if any of the cases resulted in death. As Daily Kos previously noted, election officials were operating only five in-person voting centers for a city of 600,000 people.


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