Healthcare is an afterthought in America. We care more about capital than humanity. We first ask how policy affects business before people; the inhumanity.

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Healthcare is an afterthought in America. We care more about capital than humanity. We first ask how policy affects business before people; the inhumanity.

It is important that we hold politicians and our economic leaders accountable for a healthcare system that kills for profit.

We must express our narrative in graphic terms. They never fail to be graphic when they falsely accuse those of us supporting Medicare for All as socialist with expected results to be what we see in Venezuela. We must not fall for it. We must not take a knife to a gunfight.


Bernie Sanders outperforms Biden in beating Trump.Skyrocketing Private Insurance.

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Young MSNBC reporter excitedly highlights Bernie Sanders’ huge money haul & solid poll numbers.

Bernie Sanders brought in a huge money hall for the 2019 fourth quarter. He has been getting better coverage on MSNBC recently because his success just could not be denied any longer. Their journalistic respect was at risk.

It was clear MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff could barely contain his excitement in reporting about Bernie which was all positive. He made sure to state several times that his reporting was based on polls. So often, these have been disregarded when talking about Bernie.

Bernie showed his prowess as he raised a ton of money in the 4th quarter of 2019. Common Dreams wrote about it.

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign announced Thursday that it raised a “staggering” $34.5 million from an average donation of just $18.53 in the fourth quarter of 2019, the largest single-quarter fundraising haul of any candidate in the Democratic primary so far.

“Bernie Sanders is closing the year with the most donations of any candidate in history at this point in a presidential campaign,” Faiz Shakir, Sanders’ campaign manager, said in a statement, pointing to the five million individual contributions the senator amassed in 2019.

“He is proving each and every day that working class Americans are ready and willing to fully fund a campaign that stands up for them and takes on the biggest corporations and the wealthy,” said Shakir. “You build a grassroots movement to beat Donald Trump and create a political revolution one $18 donation at a time, and that’s exactly why Bernie is going to win.”

The Sanders campaign said it has raised more than $96 million since launching in February, and 99.9 percent of donors have not maxed out—meaning they can continue to donate.

In the fourth quarter, “teacher” was the most common occupation of Sanders donors and Amazon, Starbucks, Walmart, the United States Postal Service, and Target were the most common employers. The Sanders campaign said it received 40,000 new donors on the final day of the fourth quarter, and 300,000 new donors in the fourth quarter overall.


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