Rules Analyst Kristin Arnold appears with PDR again to discuss the upcoming CNN Democratic Debate. She surely has Wolf Blitzer in her crosshairs.

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Rules Analyst Kristin Arnold appears with us again to discuss the upcoming Democratic Debate sponsored by CNN and The Des Moines Register. She surely has Wolf Blitzer in her crosshairs.

The upcoming Democratic Debate will be interesting.

Kristin made three prescient points.

Good News: The field has narrowed to FIVE candidates Bad News: TV ratings continue to plummet.So: CNN called in Wolf Blitzer to the rescue!

But there is more. Kristin says that even though Blitzer has moderated six Presidential debates, his reputation is rather erratic: He’s either “fully in charge” (5th RNC 2016) or “cedes control” (10th RNC 2016). He also likes to create controversy. Well, Kristin is with us layout how they play the game. This rule analyst will rule.

Who is Kristin Arnold?

Kristin Arnold, MBA, CSP, CPF Master is President, QPC, Inc. is a Rules Analyst for the 2019-20 Presidential Debates, High Stakes Meeting Facilitator, a Professional Panel Moderator, an Award-Winning Author, and the Past President of the National Speakers Association.


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Should be a democratic win

‘See? Not Radical’: New Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Support a Wealth Tax to Fund Universal Programs

“It’s simple. The majority of Americans believe that we should tax the rich. It is not just a left-wing democratic thing.

Supporters of a wealth tax to combat persistent economic inequality in the U.S. pointed to recent polling by Reuters/Ipsos showing that nearly two-thirds of respondents support taxing the rich at higher rates to support programs that would benefit all Americans.

Sixty-four percent of respondents said they either strongly or “somewhat” agreed with the statement, “The very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs.”

The sentiment found support across race, gender, and income demographics as well as from across the political spectrum. Seventy-seven percent of Democrats agreed that the rich should be taxed at a higher rate, while 53% of Republicans agreed.

Meanwhile, 54% of the poll’s 4,441 respondents disagreed with a contrasting statement, that “the very rich should be allowed to keep the money they have, even if that means increasing inequality.”

“See? Not radical,” tweeted Michael Sayman, a young millionaire and Google executive who has expressed support for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the 2020 Democratic primary and has called on the government to “tax the hell out of me” to help support working Americans.

While some centrist Democrats running in the primary have dismissed wealth tax proposals as unrealistic, the plans put forward by the Vermont senator and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are not far off from the tax structures which existed in the U.S. for much of the 20th century.

In 2018, the overall tax rate for the 400 wealthiest Americans was just 23%, compared with 70% in 1950 and 47% in 1980.


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