PDR interviewed Matt Grossman on his book Red State Blues. It gives Progressives & Conservatives a pause as it shows control of any state is not effective.

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Politics Done Right interviewed Dr. Matt Grossman about his new book Red State Blues. It will give both Progressives and Conservatives a pause as it shows control of any state is not as effective as one thinks.

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Matt Grossman visits with us to discuss his most apropos book Red State Blues.

Before we got into the meat of Grossman’s book, we discussed the breaking news about Trump’s potential impeachment. Both Conservative and Progressives will get a lot out of this book. It is a read I enjoyed. While I think the author is more objective than necessary, it likely lends him more credibility on all sides.

Matt Grossmann is the director of the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research and Associate Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University as well as Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center. He is a regular contributor to FiveThirtyEight, he has published analysis in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico and hosts the Science of Politics podcast. He is the author of Asymmetric Politics (with David Hopkins), Red State Blues, The Not-So-Special Interests, Artists of the Possible, and Campaigns & Elections as well as dozens of journal articles.

And of course, today is Tamara Shealey’s Wednesday. What does she have in store for us today? We will find out shortly.

Independent Progressive media need support from Progressives

Free Speech TV, Pacifica Network, and most Independent Progressive outlets are way behind in raising the funds they need to operate much like the smaller outlets like Politics Done Right. We will discuss why and solutions. That said, please support our GoFundMe here.


House committee chairs say White House readout confirms worst fears: ‘This was a shakedown’

In a blistering new joint statement, House committee chairmen Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, Elijah Cummings, and Eliot Engle are calling Donald Trump’s July call with the Ukrainian president an “unambiguous, damning, and shocking abuse of the Office of the Presidency for personal political gain.”

This is a clear breach of trust placed in the President to faithfully execute the laws and to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.
The record of the call released by the White House confirms our worst fears: that the President abused his office by directly and repeatedly asking a foreign country to investigate his political rival and open investigations meant to help the President politically. Not once, not twice, but more than half a dozen times during one telephone call. This was a shakedown. The President of the United States asked for a ‘favor’ after the Ukrainian President expressed his country’s need for weapons to defend against Russian aggression. The transcript also shows that the President promised follow-up by Attorney General William Barr or the President’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani at least nine times.

It now seems inevitable that the House will vote to send articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate. It also seems almost certain that Trump Attorney General William Barr will now face impeachment proceedings as well—possibly launched before the end of the week. The evidence of Trump’s betrayal of his office is irrefutable. [More]

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