Joe Biden won the first primary state ever in his third attempt at the presidency and the establishment continues to will him as the candidate to topple progressives via Bernie Sanders.

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Joe Biden won the first primary state ever in his third attempt at the presidency and the establishment continues to will him as the candidate to topple progressives via Bernie Sanders.

Amy Klobuchar & Pete Buttigieg have acquiesced to the Establishment con even as thousands of delegates are yet to be apportioned by the voters. It is a manipulated consolidation they hope will squeeze Warren and Bernie.

But the Establishment better be careful. Their gaffe engine of choice may gaffe himself into his normal failure as a presidential candidate. Then again, maybe that is what the plutocracy wants. After all, the rich folks in all parties are doing just fine under Trump and few are really usuing their wealth to punish the head incompetent-in-chief.

Will Bernie surprise them all?

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“They’re Desperate to Beat Bernie”: Amy Klobuchar Drops Out of 2020 Democratic Primary, to Endorse Biden

“Key question: will Warren eventually do the same for the progressive side, to block Biden, if it is indeed a two-horse race come Wednesday morning?”

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race Monday and will reportedly endorse former Vice President Joe Biden as the party’s centrist establishment consolidates against Sen. Bernie Sanders, the progressive front-runner who has won three of the four contests in the race thus far and appears set to perform well in the 14 states that vote on March 3, Super Tuesday.

“They’re desperate to stop Bernie,” tweeted The Young Turks reporter Emma Vigeland.

As Common Dreams reported, Klobuchar was forced to cancel a rally in the Minneapolis area Sunday night after Black Lives Matter activists and other demonstrators flooded the stage to demand justice for Myon Burrell, whose conviction in a case overseen by Klobuchar is today widely seen as in error after the Associated Press in January published an investigation into the case. 

Despite receiving a split endorsement, along with Warren, from the New York Times and the backing of other institutions, Klobuchar struggled to gain traction in the race outside of better-than-expected performances in Iowa and New Hampshire. 

As AP reported:

Klobuchar couldn’t match her top competitors in fundraising. She raised about $11 million in the last quarter of 2019—roughly half of what Sanders and Buttigieg received. The lack of finances early on in the campaign meant Klobuchar wasn’t able to expand her operation on the ground in Iowa and New Hampshire until months after her rivals. She then scrambled to put an operation in place in Nevada, South Carolina and the 14 states that will vote on Super Tuesday.

The senator plans to fly to Dallas tonight to officially endorse Biden at a campaign event. While she is there, Sanders will hold a “large-scale rally” in St. Paul. Sanders and Klobuchar were close in polling in the state but the Minnesota senator’s departure from the race could ensure a Sanders win! 


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