Pete Buttigieg is a smooth talker, knowledgeable & quicker on his feet than his smooth slow pace would indicate. Conflation makes him dangerous.

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Pete Buttigieg is a smooth talker. He is knowledgeable and quicker on his feet than his smooth slow pace would indicate. His ability to conflate makes him dangerous.

I was once a fan of Pete Buttigieg but he could not keep up his act for too long.

And for that I am thankful. Buttigieg is the most recent candidate that the media seemingly on the behest of the plutocracy is telling us is one of the ones, the viable. Let’s be clear, Buttigieg would take us further backward than Biden. And we will discuss that.

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After House Progressives Make Move to ‘Flex Our Muscles,’ Pelosi Backs Down on Drug Pricing Bill

“Our movement is STRONG.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, faced with a united front of progressive Democrats pushing back against a drug pricing bill seen as insufficient, blinked on Tuesday and handed her party’s left flank a rare victory.

“This is what happens when progressives in Congress, backed by the grassroots, use their power to push for real change,” political advocacy group Indivisible said on Twitter. 

This is a BIG deal. We're glad to see that H.R. 3 has been improved to protect millions more people from high drug prices. This is what happens when progressives in Congress, backed by the grassroots, use their power to push for real change.

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) December 11, 2019

The legislation now doubles the number of drugs whose prices will be negotiated under the plan from 25 to 50 in the second year of implementation and bans price-gouging on drug pricing for 150 million Americans with private healthcare plans, according to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). 

Pelosi, a California Democrat, relented on keeping progressive amendments out of H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, after the CPC made clear it would stop the bill in committee and not let it reach the floor unless lefty fixes were allowed. 

“We need to flex our muscles,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) told reporters as the compromise was still being hammered out.


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