The world economy is broken and it is our economic system that is wreaking havoc that has now reached our American shores. Oxfam is on point.

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The world economy is broken and it is our economic system that is wreaking havoc that has now reached our American shores. Oxfam is on point.

America is finally seeing the results of an economic system that by design must be is an extractive model that evolves into indentured servitude for most.

We go over the latest Oxfam report titled “Time to Care: Unpaid and Underpaid Care Work and the Global Inequality Crisis” via the analysis by Common Dreams.

“Our broken economies are lining the pockets of billionaires and big business at the expense of ordinary men and women. No wonder people are starting to question whether billionaires should even exist.”


Funny that Biden is complaining to the media about using Trump’s talking points when he, Klobuchar, and other Centrists used GOP and Trump’s talking points against candidates supporting Medicare for All.New York Times calculated attack on progressives with them endorsing Warren & Klobuchar.Ignorant Trump supporter illustrates why his poll numbers are so static.The GOP hack on Meet The Press without much pushback helps those who are comfortable to maintain their willful ignorance.Chuck Todd’s backhanded smear on The Intercept attempts to stunt their credibility.Surprisingly, a Texas station called out the GOP and Trump as liars on preexisting conditions.

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Chuck Todd insults The Intercept & Progressives with backhanded slight.

Chuck Todd in a backhanded fashion, attempted to challenge the credibility of The Intercept by implying they are a stooge to Senator Bernie Sander’s campaign and progressives.

Notice that he refers to The Intercept as the Sanders campaign’s favorite publication. He then attempts to question their journalistic honesty by implying the Sanders campaign influences the tonality of articles in the news outlet.

Philip Rucker would then raise the alarm of the tenuous position the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren campaign are in because they have a similar base.


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