Karl Smith discusses the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic in detail with respect to the numbers and government.

Karl Smith discusses the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic in detail with respect to the numbers and government.

Karl Smith on COVID-19

Watch the entire episode here.

 Voter Education Project founder will discuss COVID-19 from the point of view that is essential unlike what one hears on mainstream media that tends to concentrate on the sensational. He puts the COVID-19 stats in an easy to understand manner. More importantly, he relates it to today’s reality.

Karl Smith is an engineer who and deep thinker. He brings those skills to his analysis not only to COVID-19 explanations but to economics.

Watch his bottom-up economics here.

Consider what do people need to thrive and what do businesses need to exist and succeed.  To thrive, people need health care, education, infrastructure, research, safe communities, community development, and safety nets.  Most businesses do not exist without healthy and educated employees, without infrastructure, without research, without safe communities, without community development, and without safety nets.  The necessary conditions for people and businesses are these Basic Public Investments (BPI’s).

Bottom-up economics consists of three elements: Our Basic Public Investments, plus Valuing All Workers, plus a Fair System.  This video focuses on the BPIs but overviews the importance of Valuing All Workers, and a Fair System.

The videos show how the BPIs create and save more tax revenue than cost but how cuts to our BPIs kill more tax revenue than save.  Our BPIs are vital for our people and businesses to thrive and are fiscally responsible!

Karl provided some COVID-19 specific links


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