Tamara Shealey visits to discuss US HRes955 government abuse of power. David Cobb talks about America at a tipping point.

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: May 13th, 2020
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Tamara Shealey visits to discuss US HRes955 government abuse of power. David Cobb talks about America at a tipping point.

We have two guests today, David Cobb and our bi-weekly Tamara Shealey.

Cobb and Shealey discuss intersecting topics that involve political parties, government, small businesses, and corporations. Interestingly these types of debate create interesting alliances based on competing interests. One hopes that in the long run, we are able to consider human interests which ultimately prevent caustic alliances for the sake of special interests.


McConnell says liability protections for businesses are a requirement; Pelosi and Democrats say no. And there’s no sign of compromise.
Trump Grants Big Oil Lobby Association’s Bailout Wish.
100+ economists want Pelosi to boost relief for workers.
Millions would forego COVID-19 treatment over cost.
Covid-19 deaths likely much higher than the reported numbers.
Mitch McConnell wants states to go bankrupt as opposed to giving them support. But of course, he never minded bailing out corporations.
“Who Cares? Let ‘Em Get Wiped Out”: Stunning CNBC Anchor, Venture Capitalist Says Let Hedge Funds Fail and Save Main Street

Welcome David Cobb to discourse.

We need Medicare for All

I want your stories. Have you had issues with your healthcare coverage? Have you had billing issues? Did you feel like your insurance company was trying to pull one over on you? I am interested in every story you have with regards to healthcare. Drop me a line at info[@]politicsdoneright.com. Let’s make Medicare For All a reality.

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‘No Excuse for This’: House Dems Unveil 1,815-Page Bill That Would Bail Out Corporate Lobbyists But Omits Key People-First Priorities

“Democratic leadership has had plenty of input from progressive thinkers over the past couple of months. They just care more about the input from corporate lobbyists.”

“Democratic leadership has had plenty of input from progressive thinkers over the past couple of months. They just care more about the input from corporate lobbyists.”

While there is much in the bill that progressives support, observers who combed through the nearly 2,000 pages of legislative text were quick to highlight sections and omissions that they deemed unacceptable.

The bill, which the House is expected to vote on as early as Friday, does not contain recurring direct cash payments, a paycheck guarantee, cancellation of rent and mortgage payments, or expansion of Medicare to cover the rapidly growing number of unemployed and uninsured Americans.

The legislation does, however, propose an expansion of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) eligibility to include corporate lobbying organizations—which aggressively pushed for the change—and a bailout for landlords.

“Democratic leadership has had plenty of input from progressive thinkers over the past couple of months. They just care more about the input from corporate lobbyists,” tweeted HuffPost senior reporter Zach Carter. “There is just no excuse for this.”

BREAKING: House Democrats' new CARES Act proposal would expand PPP loan eligibility to *all* 501(c)(4) and (c)(6) groups with under 500 employees. Our research shows it would cover 99.9% of c6 trade groups. https://t.co/TtSP6aqYLG pic.twitter.com/5b788IRDsx

— Democratic Policy Center (@DemPolicy) May 12, 2020

Instead of expanding Medicare as progressives recommended, the HEROES Act “funds approximately nine months of full premium subsidies for the existing health insurance program COBRA, which allows laid-off or furloughed employees to stay on their health insurance plans,” Vox’s Ella Nilsen and Li Zhou reported.

Progressives have vocally criticized the COBRA proposal as a mere subsidy to the private insurance industry that would not be nearly as beneficial or cost-effective as the emergency Medicare expansion proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.).


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