White House reporter and guest host Nancy Cook chats with  Florida
bureau chief Matt Dixon about  the 2024 - yes, 2024- political
aspirations of some Florida politicians, and what all their history
tells us about the Republican party in one of the most important swing
states in the country.

Nancy Cook is a White House reporter for POLITICO. 
Matt Dixon is Florida bureau chief for POLITICO. 
Annie Rees is a producer for POLITICO audio. 
Jenny Ament is the senior producer of POLITICO audio.
Irene Noguchi is the executive producer of POLITICO audio.

White House reporter and guest host Nancy Cook chats with  Florida bureau chief Matt Dixon about  the 2024 - yes, 2024- political aspirations of some Florida politicians, and what all their history tells us about the Republican party in one of the most important swing states in the country.

Nancy Cook is a White House reporter for POLITICO. 
Matt Dixon is Florida bureau chief for POLITICO. 
Annie Rees is a producer for POLITICO audio. 
Jenny Ament is the senior producer of POLITICO audio.
Irene Noguchi is the executive producer of POLITICO audio.

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