Host Steven Overly is in Canada this week for The US-Canada Summit,
hosted by BMO Financial Group and Eurasia Group — and it got him
thinking about another Canadian who's been on the podcast before:
Canadian computer scientist Yoshua Bengio. Bengio has been dubbed one of
the “godfathers of AI,” although he’s not exactly thrilled about the
title. Still, Bengio devoted most of his professional life to making AI
smarter. But now, he wants to prevent AI from destroying humanity. On
POLITICO Tech, Bengio tells host Steven Overly about his professional
pivot and what policy changes he’s pushing for around the world.

Host Steven Overly is in Canada this week for The US-Canada Summit, hosted by BMO Financial Group and Eurasia Group — and it got him thinking about another Canadian who's been on the podcast before: Canadian computer scientist Yoshua Bengio. Bengio has been dubbed one of the “godfathers of AI,” although he’s not exactly thrilled about the title. Still, Bengio devoted most of his professional life to making AI smarter. But now, he wants to prevent AI from destroying humanity. On POLITICO Tech, Bengio tells host Steven Overly about his professional pivot and what policy changes he’s pushing for around the world.