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Hello and welcome to the Politicana Podcast, where Tyler, Prateek, and Nick discuss all things American Politics! We hope you enjoy the episode and perhaps learn something new. We release new episodes every week, typically on Sunday or Monday. Please email [email protected] with any comments or questions.


1:00 - To what extent should the government be allowed to coerce the actions of private individuals? Particularly as it relates to deeply held religious beliefs.

11:50 - Should the government tax a dollar more than once?

23:15 - More than 130 countries reached a deal on global corporate minimum tax for large multi-national corporations; they agreed on this deal to prevent companies from evading taxes.

46:50 - Chinese leader Xi Jinping calls for “peaceful” reunification with Taiwan and China’s mainland.

1:03:50 - The Biden administration proposes to widen IRS authority to help root out tax evasion by allowing them to receive annual, aggregated reports of flows from bank accounts with a minimum of $600.


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