Brent is back! Along with Ty and Andrew, we talk about some of the protests we have seen and attended so far and try to process the rapid-fire, emotionally-charged succession of news and new developments. It's heated, raw, and un-edited.

Also, we're a bunch of white folks trying to sort this out from our perspective but we do wanna make it clear that we're far, far, far from the most relevant, important, or poignant voices and are just hoping it helps others process through similar limited perspectives.

I (Ty) strongly recommend listening (and donating to) Ben Dixon's show. Pretty sure it's mentioned in the episode, but in addition to his brilliant articulation of this as a true American revolution (unlike that bourgeoisie shit in our first try), his frank commentary directed toward white Americans in other racial situations has been personally helpful and shifted how I think about a lot.

The Discourse is always great too, as is Champagne Sharks. And JCJ of GhettoNewsNetwork. He also had a great appearance on the Antifada recently that's worth checking out.

As we said at the end of this episode, who cares where you can find us? Check out some of the above recommendations and let us know if there are any other black voices we can help amplify right now.