A continuation of last week's episode on Australian hate speech laws. In this part we discuss the Cronulla Riots, and how our backgrounds shape our views on this subject.

My guest Ben (@Atticus_Amber) is a lawyer who works in the building where the Lindt Cafe siege took place - he happened not to be at work that day, but hearing him describe the moment when he realized hiss colleagues were trapped in a building is absolutely gut-wrenching.

My guest Joel (@JoelRDodd) is an activist who describes himself as sensitive to racism, because he grew up a white South African and had to unlearn a lot of racism he grew up with.

articles mentioned in podcast:

Jerry Coyne's blogpost https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2016/09/07/lecture-invitation-to-watson-rescinded-because-of-remarks-on-race-he-made-in-2007/

Free Speech Warriors are Missing the point abt 18C http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/free-speech-warriors-are-missing-the-point-about-18c/news-story/bbe10592eb3a73dfd9c5d870b524f302

The impact of section 18C & other civil antivilification laws in Australia - University of Wollongong

Catch up with part 1 of this discussion here: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/pc-panel-discussion-4-australian-hate-speech-laws-part-1

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