Conner Habib is a writer, lecturer, and sex worker advocate.He has appeared in nearly 200 adult scenes and is the Vice President of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, which works to improve the experiences, safety, and health of porn performers. He gives talks about sexuality, sex&culture, and pornography around the world ----However , we didn't talk much about that :P He joined us to discuss his views on atheism and Dawkins, etc. We had a pretty great Polite Conversation, even though we started off in a twitter hate battle. :) It's nice when productive conversation happens even when people with opposing views are involved.

You can find conner on Twitter @connerhabib , me (Eiynah) @nicemangos and my co host Paul @PaulSating .

Special thanks to biologists : @DrVarsovian @HerebeNabila @godFreeWorld @toxicpath