Previous Episode: Episode 17 - Sam Harris

Join me and regressive cuck @EliBosnick from Scathing Atheist, God Awful Movies & SkepticRat for a chat about the US election, America wtf have you done?!

In this battle of alt right vs. regressive left, I feel some proprtionality has been lost, and really regressive ideas like racism, and nazism are downplayed to highlight "those crazy SJWs". Yes they're crazy....and we should call them out, but they are a tad better than nazis, come on!

The post-election air is thick with tribalism...It seems to be that, either people can criticize Islam or they can criticize Trump and his voters, its hard to find those willing to do both. We don't have to pick teams, we can call out extremism on different scales...without equating, and we can critique those who endorse extremists without being abusive.


Eli & I talk a bit about Trans activism/transphobia…which might piss people off on both sides of the debate. :O This seems to be my specialty :/ But a shout out to my trans listeners, please know I stand with you...but i'm never thrilled with what i consider unreasonable activism.. be it feminist or trans or atheist, etc.

We discuss the complications caused by a Muslim reformist voting trump, we also discuss universal healthcare..and some other regressive commie stuff maybe.

At the end, I rant about the rock and hard place between Trump supporters and Islam apologists, the more difficult environment this Trump win creates for liberal critics of Islam, ex muslims, etc.


We had some technical difficulties, the first 4 mins of the podcast have sketchy audio…and then my neighbourhood leaf blowers make an extended appearance as well. It was beyond my control, but i do sincerely apologize. xx


Sweden 10th happiest country in the world

Exit Polls, 53% of under 30K income voted for Hillary

Trans Debate with Jordan B Peterson:

Asra protests Obama mosque visit:

Muslim immigrant explains why she voted Trump:

Why America got Trumped- Kenan Malik
