After the last couple of episodes being stressful and debate-y, what could be better than a cute, fluffy episode on Satanism? <3

Here is episode *13* with co-founder and spokesperson of the Satanic Temple, my favourite 'religious' figurehead.... @luciengreaves .

The Satanic Temple are an 'atheistic *religious organization*', don't believe in any higher power, supernatural stuff ---or satan, and love to use 'freedom of religion' laws to turn the tables on religious folk.

Very politically active and politically relevant, compassionate humanists. You can join here:

We chat about the use of RFRA (The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (also known as RFRA), is a 1993 United States federal law that "ensures that interests in religious freedom are protected."

We also discuss "satanic panic" from the 80's, 90's and continuing on till today, where there is belief in conspiracies about murderous satanic cults. The effects satanic panic has on people who self identify or even listen to music, dress in a way that could have them identified as "satanists".

We talk Satanic colouring books for children, homoerotic rituals over a Westboro Baptists' grave, how facebook is awful....and much more.

Hope you enjoy the episode.

Hail Satan!
(episode was recorded a few weeks ago)

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