Christal West Atkinson grew up a small town gal before transitioning to big city living, moving from Clifton, TX, to Frisco during high school.  Receiving her degree in International Relations and History from Salem College, she graduated, moved to Capitol Hill, and launched a 10 year career in Washington, D.C.  After working in the Office of Legislative Affairs/Chief of Staff (The White House, y’all) and the Treasury department – as Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to Secretary of Treasury, Christal took a position in 2009 for the Bass family in Fort Worth. 

Now an active member of the Junior League, elder at First Presbyterian church, wife of Jack, and mother of 16 month old, John, Christal has life experience some of us have never even dreamed of – and so much to share!  Snag a seat to learn at the feet of our sister friend, you’ll love what she has to offer!