Have you ever felt like the concept of care in the workplace is easier said than done? Let’s talk about it! This month join us in a series of conversations surrounding the concept of what it looks like to lead with care. Today, we start by exploring the foundation of renewal and refreshment: our spiritual connection with God. How can we align our work spiritually with God? Our guest, Tracy Mathews, the Executive Director of Attune—an organization dedicated to guiding teams through intentional exercises—will shed light on this. Attune focuses on helping teams slow down, listen to one another, and tap into the guidance of the Holy Spirit while navigating the challenges and opportunities of organizational leadership. In today’s episode, Tracy guides Jane and our curious listeners through one of their “Attune to Grow” practices followed by a debrief of the experience together. So, grab your pens and paper, and create a quiet space to explore how spiritual attunement can be a valuable practice in aligning our work and selves with God's guidance.


Connect with Attune! 


Attune website: https://attunetogrow.org/


Attune Mailing List: https://attunetogrow.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2dad5f091bdf2795a91c88ad7&id=d7028611db


Practice Spiritual Attunement: https://attunetogrow.org/practice 


**Use Polished Discount Code: “POLISHED5”  to get $5.00 off the Attune Practice Portal: https://attunetogrow.org/portal-signup 


Send an Email to: [email protected] 

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Have you ever felt a desire to bring your faith to work in a more tangible way? Check out our latest resource that will walk you through the simple steps you can take to lead a workplace Bible Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQZAZcdkhfo 

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