In today’s episode of Polilogue, we examine and question the leading voices criticizing the Afghanistan withdrawal. With the exception of an excellent interview on This Week, almost all the shows relied on war hawks and other thought leaders that have preferred and advocated for an American military presence in Afghanistan.

Shows discussed 

State of the Union on CNN

Fox News Sunday on FOX

This Week on ABC

Face the Nation on CBS

Meet the Press on NBC


The media's systemic failure on Afghanistan by Judd Legum on Popular Information

Where are the anti-war voices? by Judd Legum, Tesnim Zekeria, and Rebecca Crosby on Popular Information

Michale Chrichton’s Travels (Amazon)

America’s Afghan War: A Defeat Foretold? by Adam Nossiter (NYT)

Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances by By Mark Mazzetti, Julian E. Barnes and Adam Goldman (NYT)

The Biden admin’s cold logic on boosters and Afghanistan (Politico Playbook PM)

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