This week on Polilogue, we look at how leaders attempt to get the next phase of normalcy as COVID continues to be a threat. Governor Andy Beshear from Kentucky prioritized teacher vacinnes and getting children into schools. Meanwhile, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota deflects the criticisms about the death toll in her state.

We continue to wait for guidance from Dr. Fauci and other public health officials regarding the transmissibility of vaccinated people.



Quality: Kentucky Opens Schools

Quality: Conceding that Biden Won

Questionable: Zero Details in Cuomo Conversations

Questionable: Missing COVID Urgency

Journalism: Talking About Jamal Koshoggi

Politics: Jen Psaki Interview

Politics: The COVID Relief Bill

Journalism: Noem Falls Apart

Show Ratings

Dialogue Challenge

Shows discussed 

State of the Union on CNN

Fox News Sunday on FOX

This Week on ABC

Meet the Press on NBC

Face the Nation on CBS


Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS, Science Communications Lead for the COVID Tracking Project

Laurel Bristow, Infectious Disease Researcher

Margaret Brennan profile piece

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