Everyday we learn of new record-breaking case counts of COVID-19. Cases are spiking, especially in states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona. But instead of sharing words of confidence and assuredness in two recent speeches, President Trump lambasts the far left and urges the preservation of America’s history. 

Today on Polilogue, we explore if and how journalists have learned to simultaneously cover the comments of this president and the breaking news of the day. 



Highlight / Lowlight

COVID-19 cases spike

Grab bag rants

Show Rankings


Shows discussed 

Face the Nation on CBS

State of the Union on CNN

Fox News Sunday on FOX

This Week on ABC

Meet the Press on NBC

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Check out some of our other work: 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com  

Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org

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