Previous Episode: Ep.51: Skills and Surveillance
Next Episode: Ep.53: Brave New Data

Brave New Work special | Episode 2 of 3

Vass Bednar takes over as host of Policy Speaking, for a special Brave New Work discussion on algorithms that pit workers – especially precarious workers – against the clock. Joining the podcast is Emily Guendelsberger, author of 'On the Clock', who wonders: how do you measure misery at work and what do political solutions for misery look like when policymakers are insulated from the dehumanising daily experience of low-wage work. Later in the podcast, labour relations expert Sean O’Brady talks about how technology is driving workers out of work, rather than improving their work. And he touches on union solidarity-from-home.

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Music: Raro Bueno by Chuzausen under a creative commons license