If there's a silver lining to COVID, it may be the acceleration of the availability of virtual mental health services. Provinces and institutions had moved very quickly to digitize services, speeding up a transition that needed to happen anyway. Two-thirds of Canadians are reporting their mental health is good, and are feeling confident in their ability to cope with COVID. Research is showing that employers – in particular – can play a big part in buoying the mental health of workers. But for some, things have gotten much worse. Policy Speaking is joined by Paula Allen, VP at Morneau Shepell and co-chair of the Civic Action's Champions Council on workplace mental health and Ed Mantler, VP at the Mental Health Commission of Canada for an analysis of Canadians' mental health status, where things have gone right, wrong, and what to expect for the holidays.


Music: Raro Bueno by Chuzausen under a creative commons license