In this conversation, I discuss how a state-sponsored transnational crime operation is eroding Canadian sovereignty with Sam Cooper. We discuss how the global drugs trade is a vector of geopolitical superpower competition, the strategic weaponization of underground banking, the Vancouver model of money laundering, the CCP’s role in the fentanyl trade throughout the Americas, drug war zones in Canada’s cities, the elite capture of Canadian business leaders by Chinese tycoons, the vulnerability of Chinese Canadian communities to United Front aggression, what lessons Canada can learn from Australia’s approach to Chinese infiltration, the linkages between Russian and Chinese operations, and many more topics.

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Sam Cooper is an investigative journalist and author of Wilful Blindness. After reporting from British Columbia for Vancouver Sun and The Province for a decade, Sam moved to Ottawa where he now works as TV and print journalist for Global News. He won the Jack Webster Award for Feature Reporting both in 2018 and 2019. His recent best-seller Wilful Blindness: How a network of narcos, tycoons and CCP agents Infiltrated the West, hit No 1. in sales on Amazon Canada in June this year. You can connect with Sam on LinkedIn, contact him through his Global News profile, or follow him on Twitter at the handle @scoopercooper.

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