This episode was produced in partnership with Peace for Asia, a non-profit think tank researching security issues and documenting human rights violations taking place across Asia. To find out more about their work, head to

Welcome to the Policy People Podcast. In this episode I explore the dynamics of Hong Kong in 2021 and what lessons people in policy can draw from the protest movement with Professor Victoria Tin-bor Hui. We discuss Hong Kong’s National Security Law, dissident arrests, the role of NGOs and the international community, the rule of law and press freedoms, the clash of political systems, what Hong Kong's crisis portends for human rights in Asia going forward and other topics.

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Victoria Tin-bor Hui is an Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame's Department of Political Science. She is the author of War and State Formation in Ancient China and Early Modern Europe and has published many academic articles and book chapters on topics such as Ancient China, Hong Kong, state sovereignty and conflict studies, among others. She is part of the Hong Kong Democracy Council, which lobbies the US government and she has testified before congress on Hong Kong matters. She also has a blog about Hong Kong politics, You can find her on Twitter @victoriatinbor

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