Today's guest is Sundeep Waslekar, President of the Strategic Foresight Group and Author of The Blue Peace: Rethinking Middle East Water.


In this episode, Sundeep discusses why countries engaged in water cooperation do not go to war, how West Africa leads the world in water collaboration, and that even the world’s greatest leaders are unable to deliver because they operate with tunnel vision.

The key takeaway, therefore, is to look at the world in a more holistic way and to understand that although change is (currently) driven by nation-states, they have to take into account the wishes of individuals and respond to them - we can all play our part!


Sundeep was introduced to the podcast by Sir Graham Watson in a previous episode, which you can listen to here, and introduced the former Prime Minister of Guinea, Kabiné Komara, to the podcast in a later episode, which you can listen to here


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