Pinned down and confronting various very powerful foes, the trainers desperately try to hold onto hope. With the Leader angry and at large, and others of the Monster Pokemon on the prowl, can any victory be squeezed out?

The cast:

Chartreuse (Charlie) Pine - played by Paul (also @AlakazamGanda)

Liliana Shadowgarden - played by Lydia

Professor Rudimentus Sneaze - played by Michael

And our Game Master - Nick

Eyeli - Eyeli

Join our Facebook Group, where you can meet and chat with the cast and other fans! We'll approve everyone's request to join (unless you're a Rotom; we don't like Rotom). Also, join us on Discord! And watch us on Twitch!

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Theme Music "Electric Donkey Muscles" by RoccoW. Used under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Additional music by Peter Lonnquist. Used by permission.

“Hot pink” by Chad Crouch.

“Worlds Edge” by Ketsa.

“Night Owl” by Broke for Free.

“Bipolarity” by Poor Alexei. Used under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

“We Can Do It! [Loop]” by Visager.

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