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Welcome to Pokémon GO Podcast! Charles and Joe are back with another fantastic episode. Charles has been on fire with the game lately; one might even say he has evolved --- perhaps even mega evolved. This entire year has been engulfed in events and August is no different. That said, Niantic has occassionally flubbed the events, like this last week forgetting to put Deino into 7km eggs for half the event. Next week should be fun with Elgyem and shiny Unown popping up in the world. Magikarp community day is just around the corner; as is the GO Fest make up day. All of that incredible content, and of course YOUR feedback and comments!

Thanks to our awesome Patrons we will keep producing and improving the Pokémon GO Podcast. With your help everyone “catch ‘em all,” and you can start by going to and growing your community! We thank you all, for your support, and we hope you can help us serve you better as the show continues to grow and evolve.

Thanks to ALL of our awesome listeners, especially our Patrons.  Due to their generous Patronage, we will continue building this great community!

QOL Trick: Before starting a raid, type all the names of the trainers you wish to invite sepperated by a comma, then copy it to clipboard. Paste it in search after raid has started
The Silph Research Group Has Now Hatched 266 7kms Eggs With Not One Being Deino

[Infographic] August Events

[PSA] Save an incense to put on at 16.59 on CD this weekend for 3h of Enigma week spawns

Margikarp Community Day Infographic

Mega Evolution PVE Tier List

New sponsored Pokestops for Baskin-Robbins

Follow Pokémon GO Podcast on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Reddit, YouTube, and Poké

Hosts: Charles McFall and Joseph ArdPokémon GO Podcast is a proud member of the Giant Size Team Up Network


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