Dear Friends in Christ,

Last Sunday we were reminded about waiting in hope for the unexpected coming of Jesus. 

This Sunday, the readings tell us how to wait in hope. They say CHANGE is what has to happen, even though we don't like it, dread and resent it at times. St John Henry Newman said, "to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often". We are Not talking here of external kind of change that we see, hear and touch around us at this time. No.

The readings this 2nd Sunday of Advent call us to a change from within, - a change that “transforms” and enables us to make Christ’s presence known and felt by all those we meet.  

In today’s gospel in particular, we find the unique example of that radically changed heart, that of John the Baptist. A man called to “announce” the coming of Christ. Like him we too are called to “proclaim” the Good News by our lives; to encourage our brothers and sisters to “Prepare in the wilderness a way for the Lord!”

Dear friends, let us pray that we "will be brought to change" our ways as St Peter cautions us in the 2nd reading and that the outward changes of the Advent season that we see ariund us, will continually remind us of how we are called to “change” within us,  those aspects of our lives that do not “announce” or “proclaim” Christ in our world.