So pleased to have Finn Menzies in the Poetry Pharmacy this week!

Finn prescribes Max Ritvo‘s AFTERNOON which can be found here, and I reciprocate with Jim Ferris‘s FACTS OF LIFE (read Jim’s poem here).

We also read and talk about a poem from Finn’s debut collection Brilliant Odyssey Don’t Yearn.

Finn Menzies is an out transgender teacher in Seattle, WA. He received his MFA from Mills College. He is the creator of FIN Zine, a bi-annual zine dedicated to his journey through transition.

Finn’s debut collection, Brilliant Odyssey Don’t Yearn is out with Fog Machine. You can order it on Amazon. His poetry can also be seen in Gigantic Sequins, Quiet Lightning, SUSAN /the journal, Open House, SPORK, HOLD: a journal, The Shallow Ends, and various other journals.

Annually, Finn facilitates UNdoing Ego a workshop on meditation and generative writing.

[Theme music for the podcast is from Vladimir Martynov’s The Beatitudes played by the wonderful coversart on YouTube]