RACHEL KELLY is a mental health campaigner, public speaker, and writer.

In her early thirties, Rachel was diagnosed with serious depression and subsequently suffered two major depressive episodes. These two episodes have become the defining events of her life. Since then, she has written about the condition, and how she has recovered, in books that have been read by tens of thousands of people. Her memoir about her experience of serious depression Black Rainbow  was a Sunday Times bestseller in 2014.

Rachel now speaks publicly about her experience of depression and recovery, and regularly writes for press and gives TV and radio interviews to help educate and break stigma. She also runs workshops for mental health charities to share what she has learnt about how to stay calm and well. She is an official ambassador for Rethink Mental IllnessYoung MindsSane and The Counselling Foundation. Her latest book “The Happy Kitchen: Good Mood” food was published in January 2017.