Tonight we present Isly Mo a POET a WRITER a Beautiful Spirit. Come thru get to KNOW her and how her INK flows...Open MIC will Follow. Only on the oRiGiNaL P.A.D w/ your favorite Ladiez of the Late Nite Writez. "Stimulating Mindz World Wide" A DAP & Chyna Blue Production® (The Online SpokenWord Venue) 


"Isly Mo is a Dallas native, born in the early 80s, who enjoys reading, writing, and any mind-bending puzzle she can get her hands on. Her first published written work was for the newspaper published by her high school, though she'd been writing since her early years.

She is a believer of love and romance, dwelling in the spaces between heartbreak and flurries.

Currently working on her first collection of items, set for release spring 2014."