The wait is NOW over, THE OFFICAL ALBUM RELEASE PARTY for the BOSS-LADY aka D.A.P. D'AngelicPoetess...CD Diamonds and Pearls The Anthology of an Poetess, Poetic Jewels...Get the FREE version of the CD and have REASON to purchase the best of the best spoken word! DAP will be performing LIVE and giving you the EXCLUSIVE sneak peak of the album...BE there OR miss out tremendously...Boss-lady will also be celebrating her BIRTHDAY so its defintely a poetic ARIES affair...Come support SPOKEN WORD all going down ONLY on The oRiGiNaL Poetry after Dark...The OFFICAL LATE NIGHT CIPHER...W/ Your Favorite Ladiez of the Late Night Writez...A DAP & Chyna Blue Production™ "Stimulating Mindz World-Wide"