Ep.11 - Ain't No Party Like a Patreon Party

Tim and Kyle explore how certain podcasts are making sustainable revenue by using Patreon to provide their listeners with bonus content.

Episode at a Glance:

Tim and Kyle talk about the top Patreon podcasters and how much they are making a month (Spoiler Alert: It's a lot!) We explore why Patreon bonus content works for your audience We dig into the data and see what the most successful podcasters are doing to make Patreon profitable.

What did we learn?

Bonus material matters. Podcast longevity matters. Being active on social media takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to Patreon podcasters. Creating good content is still the main thing. Creating profit from Patreon is yet another long game. No one makes money on Patreon overnight -- it takes time to build up an audience that will pay you to podcast.

Additional Reading:

Lime Link: Analysis of Top Podcasts

Industry Predictions:

Audio Drama podcasters will be the next to leverage Patreon as their alternative monetization stream but only if they master bonus content and fan service outreach (e.g. live shows, swag, and appearances).

Industry Quotes:

"People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it." ― Simon Sinek

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