And so it came to pass that the Podtor Whocast hosts took their final places behind their microphones, making ready the podcast that was to come (one of them is quite ill in this episode, for what it's worth). A big series/Doctor finale sat in its empire of Max and Blu-Ray cases, little knowing of the discussion it would generate. While its podcasters looked upon their notes in the hope of delving into how they felt about potions, grand farewells, and meta-narratives. Far away, the listeners and idle subscribers dreamt of a shining new future. A future now set to happen when Podtor Whocast returns in 2024. As Earth rolled onwards into night the people of that world did sleep. And shiver. And encounter a surprise celebrity Cameo. Somehow knowing the dawn would bring only one thing: The Podtor Whocast episode about The End of Time Parts 1 and 2. See you in early 2024 for K-9: Series 1 and Doctor Who: Series 5!

The post Doctor Who: The Specials #4/5 – The End of Time Parts 1 and 2 first appeared on Friendly Mushroom Productions.