Whackity-shmackity-doooo. The dark forces of Cirmania are vast and un-resting. Only a slightly depressing, offensive and shameful podcast team can defeat this powerful foe. Sponsor Links: GODADDY – AUDIBLE PodTea’d was brought to you by Tobiichi Karlsson with Sam Morris, Vid Cirman, Matty Shoestring, Adam Owen, Matt Turner and Tommy Chodakowski. Edited by Matt Turner, […]

Whackity-shmackity-doooo. The dark forces of Cirmania are vast and un-resting. Only a slightly depressing, offensive and shameful podcast team can defeat this powerful foe.


PodTea’d was brought to you by Tobiichi Karlsson with Sam Morris, Vid Cirman, Matty Shoestring, Adam Owen, Matt Turner and Tommy Chodakowski. Edited by Matt Turner, album art by Adam Owen.