Previous Episode: 50: Polaris (Discussion)

In which Tod reads HP Lovecraft's "The Picture in the House," first published in the July, 1919 issue of The National Amateur, and first read by Tod on June 29, 2024. You can read the complete text at Note that a couple words have been changed in this reading. You can guess which ones.

As this is a horror podcast, this episode might not be for everyone. Specifically, this story focuses quite a bit on cannibalism, as practiced in the unexplored Congo and backwoods New England, as well as implied murder, farm animal slaughter, a probable death by lightning strike, a singularly unkempt front lawn, and a poor impersonation of an ancient Yankee accent. If such elements are likely to disturb or offend you, you are urged to skip this episode.

Ambiance provided by Hidden Used Book Store.

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