Episode 140 of Podsongs—the podcast where musicians interview inspirational people as inspiration for a new song— Shane Thomas speaks to Kevin Hines, an American suicide prevention speaker who attempted suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. His story gained major media coverage and he has since become a motivational speaker and advocate for suicide prevention. Shane was inspired to create a new song called 'Animam Nondum Efflavi', which will be released as a single on 22nd September.

Animam Nondum Efflavi (I Have Not Yet Exhaled My Spirit)

[Latin original]:
animam nondum efflavi,
tametsi eam vulneravi;
parce mihi frater,
tam longe meo carne.
quando te deterrui
et quo furtim effugisti?
te quoniam necavi.
mortuis adiunxisti
vel phasmatibus perditis?
redde mihi vitam
quam in noctem abstractam.
I have not yet exhaled (flared out) my spirit,
Though I have caused her harm (wounded her) ;
Forgive me, my brother,
So distant (remote) from my flesh.
When did I cause you to flee in terror,
and whither have you quietly (furtively) fled?
For I have murdered (killed) you.
Have you joined the company of [the] depraved phasms (spirits) ?
Return to me the life (vitality)
that was dragged off into the night.
Shane Joshua Thomas 


Newsletter, donations and download the song for €/$1 @ https://podsongs.com

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