In this episode of Podsongs—the show where musicians interview inspirational people, as inspiration for a new song—high-performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais, who’s worked with some of the world’s top athletes, talks to LA singer Katie Welch about what it takes to be the best version of ourselves. The result is a song called ‘Masterpiece’ which invites you discover the artist inside your heart.

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High-performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais has dedicated his career to exploring how to push the boundaries of human potential. His clients include Olympians and Fortune 100 CEOs. As the host of the Finding Mastery podcast he interviews world-leading professionals taking their fields to the edge. Dr. Gervais works in high-stakes environments with some of the world’s top-performing athletes and businesspeople. He is known for his work on the Red Bull Stratos project, where he helped Felix Baumgartner overcome the anxiety and claustrophobia felt when he pulled on his jumps suit to make the history-making leap from 128,000 feet. Meditation, mindfulness and team-building techniques introduced by Dr. Gervais are credited by Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll as being key to his team’s 2014 Super Bowl win. Carroll and Dr. Gervais continue to work together as co-founders of Compete to Create, a digital platform helping people become their best through mindset training. Here, Dr. Gervais shares insights gleaned from working with the best in the world.

Katie Welch is an American Pop-Jazz singer and songwriter based in Los Angeles, her cinematic pop-soul sound highlights her powerful presence and soulful voice, influenced by the greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, and Celine Dion, but with a dance/disco-funk edge inspired by The Jacksons, Prince, Cher, Stevie Wonder, and Christina Aguilera

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Everyday’s an opportunity to create a living masterpiece

The biggest thing that hold us back is the fear of what other people think

Your most authentic self’s available to you every day and everywhere that you meet your feet

Cuz when we’re present and we’re grounded and we’re mindful

That’s when life gets really sweet

Because we’ve all got the chance to be the best versions of ourselves

And we can learn to harness all the gifts we’ve each got to express

You’re enough just because you are

And everything you need is inside of you

Your inner capabilities are absolutely extraordinary

Baby you’re a work of art

The artist is inside your heart

Your body is the canvas

And you’re mind is the paint

Once you can see the picture you can paint it for the world to see

Because we’ve all got the chance to be the best versions of ourselves

And we can learn to harness all the gifts we’ve each got to express

You’re enough just because you are

And everything you need is inside of you

Your inner capabilities are absolutely extraordinary

Baby you’re a work of art

The artist is inside your heart

Your body is the canvas

And you’re mind is the paint

So paint the picture that you want the world to see