This week on PodQuest we're living in that post E3 world where the game news has slowed but there's still plenty to discuss. We've got some more details on the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Marvel stuff across all their areas, and some Pokemon Sword and Shield details that not all fans are pleased to hear. Plus we played some games, and Walnut and Drootin had one of their Dungeons and Dragons campaigns wrap up.

This week on PodQuest we’re living in that post E3 world where the game news has slowed but there’s still plenty to discuss. We’ve got some more details on the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Marvel stuff across all their areas, and some Pokemon Sword and Shield details that not all fans are pleased to hear. Plus we played some games, and Walnut and Drootin had one of their Dungeons and Dragons campaigns wrap up.

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Intro and Outro music Mega Man 2 ‘Project X2 – Title Screen’ OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix

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